Pintoo special puzzles | 368 plastic parts
its measures : 18,3cm x 12,8cm
- fabulous Pintoo special puzzle | showpiece XS
- frameless design | very consistent construction
- is a new way to hang and display the puzles
- Pintoo puzzles 368 pieces | "info" for details
- attractive images of highly relevant authors
- great works | Beautiful Dusk French Alps Resort
- very attractive, bright and luminous images
- precise parts | printed on plastic material
- very longer duration than traditional puzles
- parts with a great print quality and texture
- no adhesive required | waterproof and durable
- build the puzzle with your favorite pictures
- get an incredible decoration of your spaces
- plastic pieces | each piece has a unique shape
- is a new way to hang and display the puzles
- washable puzzles without need to disassembly
- the pieces are divided into several bags of
different units depending the size of puzzle